Package: Momocs 1.4.1

Vincent Bonhomme

Momocs: Morphometrics using R

The goal of 'Momocs' is to provide a complete, convenient, reproducible and open-source toolkit for 2D morphometrics. It includes most common 2D morphometrics approaches on outlines, open outlines, configurations of landmarks, traditional morphometrics, and facilities for data preparation, manipulation and visualization with a consistent grammar throughout. It allows reproducible, complex morphometrics analyses and other morphometrics approaches should be easy to plug in, or develop from, on top of this canvas.

Authors:Vincent Bonhomme [aut, cre], Julien Claude [aut]

Momocs.pdf |Momocs.html
Momocs/json (API)

# Install 'Momocs' in R:
install.packages('Momocs', repos = c('', ''))

Bug tracker:

Pkgdown site:

  • apodemus - Data: Outline coordinates of Apodemus (wood mouse) mandibles
  • bot - Data: Outline coordinates of beer and whisky bottles.
  • chaff - Data: Landmark and semilandmark coordinates on cereal glumes
  • charring - Data: Outline coordinates from an experimental charring on cereal grains
  • flower - Data: Measurement of iris flowers
  • hearts - Data: Outline coordinates of hand-drawn hearts
  • molars - Data: Outline coordinates of 360 molars
  • mosquito - Data: Outline coordinates of mosquito wings.
  • mouse - Data: Outline coordinates of mouse molars
  • nsfishes - Data: Outline coordinates of North Sea fishes
  • oak - Data: Configuration of landmarks of oak leaves
  • olea - Data: Outline coordinates of olive seeds open outlines.
  • shapes - Data: Outline coordinates of various shapes
  • trilo - Data: Outline coordinates of cephalic outlines of trilobite
  • wings - Data: Landmarks coordinates of mosquito wings



7.43 score 52 stars 346 scripts 653 downloads 33 mentions 408 exports 86 dependencies

Last updated 1 years agofrom:fca92dc758. Checks:3 OK, 3 NOTE. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 10 2025
R-4.5-winNOTEFeb 10 2025
R-4.5-macNOTEFeb 10 2025
R-4.5-linuxNOTEFeb 10 2025
R-4.4-winOKFeb 10 2025
R-4.4-macOKFeb 10 2025



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Adds new landmarks on Out and Opn objectsadd_ldk
Data: Outline coordinates of Apodemus (wood mouse) mandiblesapodemus
Arrange rows by variablesarrange
Turn Momocs objects into tydy data_framesas_df as_df.Coe as_df.Coo as_df.LDA as_df.PCA
Retain groups with at least n shapesat_least
Calculates Bezier coefficients from a shapebezier
Calculates a shape from Bezier coefficientsbezier_i
Data: Outline coordinates of beer and whisky
Boxplot of morphometric coefficientsboxplot.Coe boxplot.OutCoe
Boxplot on PCA objectsboxplot.PCA
Jitters Coe (and others) objectsbreed breed.Coe breed.default
Convert between different classesa2l a2m bridges d2m l2a l2m m2a m2d m2l m2ll
Quantitative calibration, through deviations, for Out and Opn objectscalibrate_deviations calibrate_deviations_dfourier calibrate_deviations_efourier calibrate_deviations_npoly calibrate_deviations_opoly calibrate_deviations_rfourier calibrate_deviations_sfourier calibrate_deviations_tfourier
Quantitative calibration, through harmonic power, for Out and Opn objectscalibrate_harmonicpower calibrate_harmonicpower_dfourier calibrate_harmonicpower_efourier calibrate_harmonicpower_rfourier calibrate_harmonicpower_sfourier calibrate_harmonicpower_tfourier
Quantitative r2 calibration for Opn objectscalibrate_r2 calibrate_r2_npoly calibrate_r2_opoly
Calibrate using reconstructed shapescalibrate_reconstructions calibrate_reconstructions_dfourier calibrate_reconstructions_efourier calibrate_reconstructions_npoly calibrate_reconstructions_opoly calibrate_reconstructions_rfourier calibrate_reconstructions_sfourier calibrate_reconstructions_tfourier
Data: Landmark and semilandmark coordinates on cereal glumeschaff
Data: Outline coordinates from an experimental charring on cereal grainscharring
Split to several objects based on a factorchop
Calculate classification metrics on a confusion matrixclassification_metrics
Hierarchical clusteringCLUST CLUST.Coe CLUST.default
Coe "super" classCoe
Rearrange a matrix of (typically Fourier) coefficientscoeff_rearrange
Helps to select a given number of harmonics from a numerical vector.coeff_sel
Converts a numerical description of harmonic coefficients to a named list.coeff_split
Transparency helpers and palettescol_alpha col_transp
Some color palettescolor_palettes col_autumn col_black col_bw col_cold col_gallus col_grey col_heat col_hot col_india col_qual col_sari col_solarized col_spring col_summer col_summer2 Palettes
Combine several objectscombine
Convert complex to/from cartesian coordinatescomplex coo2cpx cpx2coo
Coo "super" classCoo
Aligns coordinatescoo_align
Aligns shapes along their 'calliper length'coo_aligncalliper
Aligns shapes using their shortest radiuscoo_alignminradius
Aligns shapes along the x-axiscoo_alignxax
Calculates the angle of every edge of a shapecoo_angle_edges coo_angle_edges.Coo coo_angle_edges.default
Calculates the tangent angle along the perimeter of a shapecoo_angle_tangent coo_angle_tangent.Coo coo_angle_tangent.default coo_tangle
Calculates the area of a shapecoo_area
Plots (lollipop) differences between two configurationscoo_arrows
Register new baselinescoo_baseline
Register Bookstein's coordinatescoo_bookstein
Calculates coordinates of the bounding boxcoo_boundingbox
Calculates the calliper lengthcoo_calliper
Returns the distance between everypoints and the centroidcoo_centdist
Centers coordinatescoo_center coo_centre
Calculate centroid coordinatescoo_centpos
Calculates centroid sizecoo_centsize
Checks shapescoo_check
Calculates the (recursive) convex hull of a shapecoo_chull coo_chull.Coo coo_chull.default coo_chull_onion coo_chull_onion.Coo coo_chull_onion.default
Calculates the Haralick's circularity of a shapecoo_circularity coo_circularity.Coo coo_circularity.default coo_circularityharalick coo_circularityharalick.Coo coo_circularityharalick.default coo_circularitynorm coo_circularitynorm.Coo coo_circularitynorm.default
Closes/uncloses shapescoo_close coo_unclose
Calculates the convexity of a shapecoo_convexity
coo_down Retains coordinates with negative y-coordinatescoo_down
Adds a shape to the current plotcoo_draw
Draw radii to the current plotcoo_draw_rads
Calculate abscissa and ordinate on a shapecoo_dxy
Calculates the eccentricity of a shapecoo_eccentricity coo_eccentricityboundingbox coo_eccentricityboundingbox.Coo coo_eccentricityboundingbox.default coo_eccentricityeigen coo_eccentricityeigen.Coo coo_eccentricityeigen.default
Calculates the elongation of a shapecoo_elongation
Extract coordinates from a shapecoo_extract
Flips shapescoo_flipx coo_flipy
Forces shapes to closecoo_force2close
Interpolates coordinatescoo_interpolate
Nearest intersection between a shape and a segment specified with an anglecoo_intersect_angle coo_intersect_direction coo_intersect_direction.Coo coo_intersect_direction.default
Nearest intersection between a shape and a segmentcoo_intersect_segment
Test if shapes are closedcoo_is_closed is_open
Jitters shapescoo_jitter
Defines landmarks interactivelycoo_ldk
Retains coordinates with negative x-coordinatescoo_left
Calculates the length of a shapecoo_length
Tests if shapes are (likely) developping clockwise or anticlockwisecoo_likely_anticlockwise coo_likely_clockwise coo_likely_clockwise.Coo coo_likely_clockwise.default
Plots sets of shapes.coo_listpanel
Plots (lollipop) differences between two configurationscoo_lolli
Calculates length and width of a shapecoo_lw
Counts coordinatescoo_nb
Momocs' 'oscilloscope' for Fourier-based approachescoo_oscillo
Calculates perimeter and variationscoo_perim coo_perim.Coo coo_perim.default coo_perimcum coo_perimcum.Coo coo_perimcum.default coo_perimpts coo_perimpts.Coo coo_perimpts.default
Plots a single shapecoo_plot ldk_plot
Calculate coordinates rangecoo_diffrange coo_diffrange.Coo coo_diffrange.default coo_diffrange.list coo_range coo_range.Coo coo_range.default coo_range_enlarge coo_range_enlarge.Coo coo_range_enlarge.default coo_range_enlarge.list
Calculates the rectangularity of a shapecoo_rectangularity
Calculates the rectilinearity of a shapecoo_rectilinearity
Reverses coordinatescoo_rev
Retains coordinates with positive x-coordinatescoo_right
Rotates coordinatescoo_rotate
Rotates shapes with a custom centercoo_rotatecenter
Plots differences as (colored) segments aka a rubancoo_ruban
Sample coordinates (among points)coo_sample
Sample a proportion of coordinates (among points)coo_sample_prop
Samples coordinates (regular radius)coo_samplerr
Calculates all scalar descriptors of shapecoo_scalars
Scales coordinatescoo_scale coo_scale.Coo coo_scale.default coo_scalex coo_scalex.Coo coo_scalex.default coo_scaley coo_scaley.Coo coo_scaley.default
Shears shapescoo_shearx coo_sheary
Slices shapes between successive coordinatescoo_slice
Slides coordinatescoo_slide
Slides coordinates in a particular directioncoo_slidedirection
Slides coordinates using the widest gapcoo_slidegap
Smoothes coordinatescoo_smooth
Smoothes coordinates on curvescoo_smoothcurve
Calculates the solidity of a shapecoo_solidity
Calculates the total absolute curvature of a shapecoo_tac
'Templates' shapescoo_template coo_template.Coo coo_template.default coo_template.list coo_template_relatively coo_template_relatively.Coo coo_template_relatively.list
Translates coordinatescoo_trans
Trims both ends coordinates from shapecoo_trim
Trims bottom coordinates from shapecoo_trimbottom
Trims top coordinates from shapecoo_trimtop
Truss measurementcoo_truss
Removes rotation so that the centroid and a given point are parallel to the x-axiscoo_untilt coo_untiltx
Retains coordinates with positive y-coordinatescoo_up
Calculates the width of a shapecoo_width
A wrapper to calculates euclidean distances between two pointsd
Defines new landmarks on Out and Opn objectsdef_ldk
Add new landmarks based on angular positionsdef_ldk_angle def_ldk_direction def_ldk_direction.default def_ldk_direction.Opn def_ldk_direction.Out
Define tips as new landmarksdef_ldk_tips
Defines links between landmarksdef_links
Defines sliding landmarks matrixdef_slidings
Discrete cosinus transformdfourier dfourier.Coo dfourier.default dfourier.list dfourier.Opn
Investe discrete cosinus transformdfourier_i
Calculates and draws 'dfourier' shapesdfourier_shape
Dissolve Coe objectsdissolve
grindr drawers for shape plotsdrawers draw_axes draw_centroid draw_curve draw_curves draw_firstpoint draw_labels draw_landmarks draw_lines draw_links draw_outline draw_outlines draw_points draw_polygon draw_ticks draw_title
Calculates euclidean distance between two points.ed
Calculates euclidean intermediate between two points.edi
Calculates euclidean distance every pairs of points in two matrices.edm
Calculates the shortest euclidean distance found for every point of one matrix among those of a second.edm_nearest
Elliptical Fourier transform (and its normalization)efourier efourier.default efourier.list efourier.Out efourier_norm
Inverse elliptical Fourier transformefourier_i
Calculates and draw 'efourier' shapes.efourier_shape
Exports Coe objects and shapesexport
Brew and serve fac from Momocs objectfac_dispatcher
Full Generalized Procrustes alignment between shapesfgProcrustes
Full Generalized Procrustes alignment between shapes with sliding landmarksfgsProcrustes
Subset based on conditionsfilter
Flips PCA axesflip_PCaxes
Data: Measurement of iris flowersflower
Full Procrustes alignment between two shapesfProcrustes
Calculates convex hull area/volume of PCA scoresget_chull_area get_chull_volume
Retrieves landmarks coordinatesget_ldk
Get paired individual on a Coe, PCA or LDA objectsget_pairs
Extracts sliding landmarks coordinatesget_slidings
Calculates harmonic power given a list from e/t/rfourierharm_pow
Harmonic contribution to shapehcontrib hcontrib.OutCoe
Data: Outline coordinates of hand-drawn heartshearts
Plots a .jpg imageimg_plot img_plot0
Extract outlines coordinates from an image silhouetteimport_Conte
Extract outline coordinates from multiple .jpg filesimport_jpg
Extract outline coordinates from a single .jpg fileimport_jpg1
Import files creates by StereoMorph into Momocsimport_StereoMorph_curve import_StereoMorph_curve1 import_StereoMorph_ldk import_StereoMorph_ldk1
Import a tps fileimport_tps tps2coo
Import coordinates from a .txt fileimport_txt
Graphical inspection of shapesinspect
Class and component testersis is_Coe is_Coo is_fac is_LDA is_Ldk is_ldk is_LdkCoe is_links is_Opn is_OpnCoe is_Out is_OutCoe is_PCA is_shp is_slidings is_TraCoe
Tests if coordinates likely have equally spaced radiiis_equallyspacedradii
grindr layers for multivariate plotslayers layer_axes layer_axesnames layer_axesvar layer_box layer_chull layer_chullfilled layer_delaunay layer_density layer_density_2 layer_eigen layer_ellipses layer_ellipsesaxes layer_ellipsesfilled layer_frame layer_fullframe layer_grid layer_histogram_2 layer_labelgroups layer_labelpoints layer_legend layer_points layer_rug layer_stars layer_ticks layer_title
Morphospace layerslayers_morphospace layer_morphospace_LDA layer_morphospace_PCA
Linear Discriminant Analysis on Coe objectsLDA LDA.default LDA.PCA
Builds an Ldk objectLdk LdkCoe
Checks 'ldk' shapesldk_check
Draws convex hulls around landmark positionsldk_chull
Draws confidence ellipses for landmark positionsldk_confell
Draws kernel density contours around landmarkldk_contour
Add landmarks labelsldk_labels
Draws links between landmarksldk_links
bind_db.Coe <- bind_db.Coo Extracts structure from filenameslf_structure
Creates links (all pairwise combinations) between landmarkslinks_all
Creates links (Delaunay triangulation) between landmarkslinks_delaunay
Multivariate analysis of (co)variance on Coe objectsMANOVA MANOVA.OpnCoe MANOVA.OutCoe MANOVA.PCA
Pairwise Multivariate analyses of varianceMANOVA_PW MANOVA_PW.PCA
(Metric) multidimensional scalingMDS
Measures shape descriptorsmeasure
Data: Outline coordinates of 360 molarsmolars
Calculates nice positions on a plane for drawing shapesmorphospace_positions
Plots mosaics of shapes.mosaic mosaic.Ldk mosaic.Opn mosaic.Out mosaic_engine
Data: Outline coordinates of mosquito wings.mosquito
Data: Outline coordinates of mouse molarsmouse
Mean shape calculation for Coo, Coe, etc.MSHAPES
Add new variablesmutate
Non metric multidimensional scalingNMDS
Calculate natural polynomial fits on open outlinesnpoly npoly.default npoly.list npoly.Opn
Data: Outline coordinates of North Sea fishesnsfishes
Data: Configuration of landmarks of oak leavesoak
Data: Outline coordinates of olive seeds open outlines.olea
Builds an Opn objectOpn
Builds an OpnCoe objectOpnCoe
Calculate orthogonal polynomial fits on open outlinesopoly opoly.default opoly.list opoly.Opn
Calculates shape from a polynomial modelnpoly_i opoly_i
Builds an Out objectOut
Builds an OutCoe objectOutCoe
Color palettespal palette palettes pal_alpha pal_div pal_div_BrBG pal_div_PiYG pal_div_PRGn pal_div_PuOr pal_div_RdBu pal_div_RdYlBu pal_manual pal_qual pal_qual_Dark2 pal_qual_Paired pal_qual_Set2 pal_qual_solarized pal_seq pal_seq_Blues pal_seq_BuGn pal_seq_BuPu pal_seq_GnBu pal_seq_Greens pal_seq_grey pal_seq_Greys pal_seq_inferno pal_seq_magma pal_seq_Oranges pal_seq_OrRd pal_seq_plasma pal_seq_PuBu pal_seq_PuBuGn pal_seq_PuRd pal_seq_Purples pal_seq_RdPu pal_seq_Reds pal_seq_viridis pal_seq_YlGn pal_seq_YlGnBu pal_seq_YlOrBr pal_seq_YlOrRd
Family picture of shapespanel panel.Coo panel.Ldk panel.Opn panel.Out
grindr papers for shape plotspaper papers paper_chess paper_dots paper_grid paper_white
Principal component analysis on Coe objectsas_PCA PCA PCA.default PCA.LdkCoe PCA.OpnCoe PCA.OutCoe PCA.TraCoe
Shape variation along PC axesPCcontrib PCcontrib.PCA
Permutes and breed Coe (and others) objectsperm perm.Coe perm.default
Graphical pile of shapespile pile.array pile.default pile.Ldk pile.list pile.Opn pile.Out
Convert (x; y) coordinates to chaincoded coordinateschc2pix pix2chc
Plots a cross-validation table as an heatmapplot_CV plot_CV.default plot_CV.LDA
Plots a cross-correlation tableplot_CV2 plot_CV2.LDA plot_CV2.table
Draws colored segments from a matrix of coordinates.plot_devsegments
LDA plot using grindr layersplot_LDA
Pairwise comparison of a list of shapesplot_MSHAPES
NMDS plot unsing grindr layersplot_MDS plot_NMDS
PCA plot using grindr layersplot_PCA
Silhouette plotplot_silhouette
Plots confusion matrix of sample sizes within $facplot_table
Plots Linear Discriminant Analysisplot.LDA
Plots Principal Component Analysisplot.PCA
Partial Procrustes alignment between two shapespProcrustes
Ptolemaic ellipses and illustration of efourierPtolemy
Rearrange, (select and reorder) landmarks to retainrearrange_ldk
"Redo" a LDA on new datareLDA reLDA.Coe reLDA.default reLDA.PCA
Rename columns by namerename
"Redo" a PCA on a new CoerePCA
Rescale coordinates from pixels to real length unitsrescale
Radii variation Fourier transform (equally spaced radii)rfourier rfourier.default rfourier.list rfourier.Out
Inverse radii variation Fourier transformrfourier_i
Calculates and draw 'rfourier' shapes.rfourier_shape
Removes asymmetric and symmetric variation on OutCoe objectsrm_asym rm_asym.default rm_asym.OutCoe rm_sym rm_sym.default rm_sym.OutCoe
Removes harmonics from Coe objectsrm_harm
Remove shapes with missing data in facrm_missing
Remove shapes with incomplete slicesrm_uncomplete
Renames levels on Momocs objectsrw_fac
Sample a fraction of shapessample_frac
Sample n shapessample_n
How many axes to retain this much of variance or trace ?scree scree.LDA scree.PCA scree_min scree_plot
Select columns by nameselect
Radii variation Fourier transform (equally spaced curvilinear abscissa)sfourier sfourier.default sfourier.list sfourier.Out
Inverse radii variation Fourier transformsfourier_i
Calculates and draw 'sfourier' shapes.sfourier_shape
Data: Outline coordinates of various shapesshapes
Subset based on positionsslice
Extracts partitions of sliding coordinatesslidings_scheme
Family picture of shapesstack stack.Coo stack.Ldk
Subsetize various Momocs objectssubsetize
Calcuates symmetry indices on OutCoe objectssymmetry
Tangent angle Fourier transformtfourier tfourier.default tfourier.list tfourier.Out
Inverse tangent angle Fourier transformtfourier_i
Calculates and draws 'tfourier' shapes.tfourier_shape
Binds .jpg outlines from .txt landmarks taken on themtie_jpg_txt
Deformation 'vector field' using Thin Plate Splinestps_arr
Deformation grids using Thin Plate Splinestps_grid
Deformation isolines using Thin Plate Splines.tps_iso
Vanilla Thin Plate Splinestps_raw
Thin Plate Splines for 2D datatps2d tps_apply
Traditional morphometrics classTraCoe
Data: Outline coordinates of cephalic outlines of trilobitetrilo
Validates Coo objectsverify
Identify outlierswhich_out
Data: Landmarks coordinates of mosquito wingswings