Adds new landmarks on Out and Opn objects | add_ldk |
Data: Outline coordinates of Apodemus (wood mouse) mandibles | apodemus |
Arrange rows by variables | arrange |
Turn Momocs objects into tydy data_frames | as_df as_df.Coe as_df.Coo as_df.LDA as_df.PCA |
Retain groups with at least n shapes | at_least |
Calculates Bezier coefficients from a shape | bezier |
Calculates a shape from Bezier coefficients | bezier_i |
Data: Outline coordinates of beer and whisky bottles. | bot |
Boxplot of morphometric coefficients | boxplot.Coe boxplot.OutCoe |
Boxplot on PCA objects | boxplot.PCA |
Jitters Coe (and others) objects | breed breed.Coe breed.default |
Convert between different classes | a2l a2m bridges d2m l2a l2m m2a m2d m2l m2ll |
Quantitative calibration, through deviations, for Out and Opn objects | calibrate_deviations calibrate_deviations_dfourier calibrate_deviations_efourier calibrate_deviations_npoly calibrate_deviations_opoly calibrate_deviations_rfourier calibrate_deviations_sfourier calibrate_deviations_tfourier |
Quantitative calibration, through harmonic power, for Out and Opn objects | calibrate_harmonicpower calibrate_harmonicpower_dfourier calibrate_harmonicpower_efourier calibrate_harmonicpower_rfourier calibrate_harmonicpower_sfourier calibrate_harmonicpower_tfourier |
Quantitative r2 calibration for Opn objects | calibrate_r2 calibrate_r2_npoly calibrate_r2_opoly |
Calibrate using reconstructed shapes | calibrate_reconstructions calibrate_reconstructions_dfourier calibrate_reconstructions_efourier calibrate_reconstructions_npoly calibrate_reconstructions_opoly calibrate_reconstructions_rfourier calibrate_reconstructions_sfourier calibrate_reconstructions_tfourier |
Data: Landmark and semilandmark coordinates on cereal glumes | chaff |
Data: Outline coordinates from an experimental charring on cereal grains | charring |
Split to several objects based on a factor | chop |
Calculate classification metrics on a confusion matrix | classification_metrics |
Hierarchical clustering | CLUST CLUST.Coe CLUST.default |
Coe "super" class | Coe |
Rearrange a matrix of (typically Fourier) coefficients | coeff_rearrange |
Helps to select a given number of harmonics from a numerical vector. | coeff_sel |
Converts a numerical description of harmonic coefficients to a named list. | coeff_split |
Transparency helpers and palettes | col_alpha col_transp |
Some color palettes | color_palettes col_autumn col_black col_bw col_cold col_gallus col_grey col_heat col_hot col_india col_qual col_sari col_solarized col_spring col_summer col_summer2 Palettes |
Combine several objects | combine |
Convert complex to/from cartesian coordinates | complex coo2cpx cpx2coo |
Coo "super" class | Coo |
Aligns coordinates | coo_align |
Aligns shapes along their 'calliper length' | coo_aligncalliper |
Aligns shapes using their shortest radius | coo_alignminradius |
Aligns shapes along the x-axis | coo_alignxax |
Calculates the angle of every edge of a shape | coo_angle_edges coo_angle_edges.Coo coo_angle_edges.default |
Calculates the tangent angle along the perimeter of a shape | coo_angle_tangent coo_angle_tangent.Coo coo_angle_tangent.default coo_tangle |
Calculates the area of a shape | coo_area |
Plots (lollipop) differences between two configurations | coo_arrows |
Register new baselines | coo_baseline |
Register Bookstein's coordinates | coo_bookstein |
Calculates coordinates of the bounding box | coo_boundingbox |
Calculates the calliper length | coo_calliper |
Returns the distance between everypoints and the centroid | coo_centdist |
Centers coordinates | coo_center coo_centre |
Calculate centroid coordinates | coo_centpos |
Calculates centroid size | coo_centsize |
Checks shapes | coo_check |
Calculates the (recursive) convex hull of a shape | coo_chull coo_chull.Coo coo_chull.default coo_chull_onion coo_chull_onion.Coo coo_chull_onion.default |
Calculates the Haralick's circularity of a shape | coo_circularity coo_circularity.Coo coo_circularity.default coo_circularityharalick coo_circularityharalick.Coo coo_circularityharalick.default coo_circularitynorm coo_circularitynorm.Coo coo_circularitynorm.default |
Closes/uncloses shapes | coo_close coo_unclose |
Calculates the convexity of a shape | coo_convexity |
coo_down Retains coordinates with negative y-coordinates | coo_down |
Adds a shape to the current plot | coo_draw |
Draw radii to the current plot | coo_draw_rads |
Calculate abscissa and ordinate on a shape | coo_dxy |
Calculates the eccentricity of a shape | coo_eccentricity coo_eccentricityboundingbox coo_eccentricityboundingbox.Coo coo_eccentricityboundingbox.default coo_eccentricityeigen coo_eccentricityeigen.Coo coo_eccentricityeigen.default |
Calculates the elongation of a shape | coo_elongation |
Extract coordinates from a shape | coo_extract |
Flips shapes | coo_flipx coo_flipy |
Forces shapes to close | coo_force2close |
Interpolates coordinates | coo_interpolate |
Nearest intersection between a shape and a segment specified with an angle | coo_intersect_angle coo_intersect_direction coo_intersect_direction.Coo coo_intersect_direction.default |
Nearest intersection between a shape and a segment | coo_intersect_segment |
Test if shapes are closed | coo_is_closed is_open |
Jitters shapes | coo_jitter |
Defines landmarks interactively | coo_ldk |
Retains coordinates with negative x-coordinates | coo_left |
Calculates the length of a shape | coo_length |
Tests if shapes are (likely) developping clockwise or anticlockwise | coo_likely_anticlockwise coo_likely_clockwise coo_likely_clockwise.Coo coo_likely_clockwise.default |
Plots sets of shapes. | coo_listpanel |
Plots (lollipop) differences between two configurations | coo_lolli |
Calculates length and width of a shape | coo_lw |
Counts coordinates | coo_nb |
Momocs' 'oscilloscope' for Fourier-based approaches | coo_oscillo |
Calculates perimeter and variations | coo_perim coo_perim.Coo coo_perim.default coo_perimcum coo_perimcum.Coo coo_perimcum.default coo_perimpts coo_perimpts.Coo coo_perimpts.default |
Plots a single shape | coo_plot ldk_plot |
Calculate coordinates range | coo_diffrange coo_diffrange.Coo coo_diffrange.default coo_diffrange.list coo_range coo_range.Coo coo_range.default coo_range_enlarge coo_range_enlarge.Coo coo_range_enlarge.default coo_range_enlarge.list |
Calculates the rectangularity of a shape | coo_rectangularity |
Calculates the rectilinearity of a shape | coo_rectilinearity |
Reverses coordinates | coo_rev |
Retains coordinates with positive x-coordinates | coo_right |
Rotates coordinates | coo_rotate |
Rotates shapes with a custom center | coo_rotatecenter |
Plots differences as (colored) segments aka a ruban | coo_ruban |
Sample coordinates (among points) | coo_sample |
Sample a proportion of coordinates (among points) | coo_sample_prop |
Samples coordinates (regular radius) | coo_samplerr |
Calculates all scalar descriptors of shape | coo_scalars |
Scales coordinates | coo_scale coo_scale.Coo coo_scale.default coo_scalex coo_scalex.Coo coo_scalex.default coo_scaley coo_scaley.Coo coo_scaley.default |
Shears shapes | coo_shearx coo_sheary |
Slices shapes between successive coordinates | coo_slice |
Slides coordinates | coo_slide |
Slides coordinates in a particular direction | coo_slidedirection |
Slides coordinates using the widest gap | coo_slidegap |
Smoothes coordinates | coo_smooth |
Smoothes coordinates on curves | coo_smoothcurve |
Calculates the solidity of a shape | coo_solidity |
Calculates the total absolute curvature of a shape | coo_tac |
'Templates' shapes | coo_template coo_template.Coo coo_template.default coo_template.list coo_template_relatively coo_template_relatively.Coo coo_template_relatively.list |
Translates coordinates | coo_trans |
Trims both ends coordinates from shape | coo_trim |
Trims bottom coordinates from shape | coo_trimbottom |
Trims top coordinates from shape | coo_trimtop |
Truss measurement | coo_truss |
Removes rotation so that the centroid and a given point are parallel to the x-axis | coo_untilt coo_untiltx |
Retains coordinates with positive y-coordinates | coo_up |
Calculates the width of a shape | coo_width |
A wrapper to calculates euclidean distances between two points | d |
Defines new landmarks on Out and Opn objects | def_ldk |
Add new landmarks based on angular positions | def_ldk_angle def_ldk_direction def_ldk_direction.default def_ldk_direction.Opn def_ldk_direction.Out |
Define tips as new landmarks | def_ldk_tips |
Defines links between landmarks | def_links |
Defines sliding landmarks matrix | def_slidings |
Discrete cosinus transform | dfourier dfourier.Coo dfourier.default dfourier.list dfourier.Opn |
Investe discrete cosinus transform | dfourier_i |
Calculates and draws 'dfourier' shapes | dfourier_shape |
Dissolve Coe objects | dissolve |
grindr drawers for shape plots | drawers draw_axes draw_centroid draw_curve draw_curves draw_firstpoint draw_labels draw_landmarks draw_lines draw_links draw_outline draw_outlines draw_points draw_polygon draw_ticks draw_title |
Calculates euclidean distance between two points. | ed |
Calculates euclidean intermediate between two points. | edi |
Calculates euclidean distance every pairs of points in two matrices. | edm |
Calculates the shortest euclidean distance found for every point of one matrix among those of a second. | edm_nearest |
Elliptical Fourier transform (and its normalization) | efourier efourier.default efourier.list efourier.Out efourier_norm |
Inverse elliptical Fourier transform | efourier_i |
Calculates and draw 'efourier' shapes. | efourier_shape |
Exports Coe objects and shapes | export |
Brew and serve fac from Momocs object | fac_dispatcher |
Full Generalized Procrustes alignment between shapes | fgProcrustes |
Full Generalized Procrustes alignment between shapes with sliding landmarks | fgsProcrustes |
Subset based on conditions | filter |
Flips PCA axes | flip_PCaxes |
Data: Measurement of iris flowers | flower |
Full Procrustes alignment between two shapes | fProcrustes |
Calculates convex hull area/volume of PCA scores | get_chull_area get_chull_volume |
Retrieves landmarks coordinates | get_ldk |
Get paired individual on a Coe, PCA or LDA objects | get_pairs |
Extracts sliding landmarks coordinates | get_slidings |
Calculates harmonic power given a list from e/t/rfourier | harm_pow |
Harmonic contribution to shape | hcontrib hcontrib.OutCoe |
Data: Outline coordinates of hand-drawn hearts | hearts |
Plots a .jpg image | img_plot img_plot0 |
Extract outlines coordinates from an image silhouette | import_Conte |
Extract outline coordinates from multiple .jpg files | import_jpg |
Extract outline coordinates from a single .jpg file | import_jpg1 |
Import files creates by StereoMorph into Momocs | import_StereoMorph_curve import_StereoMorph_curve1 import_StereoMorph_ldk import_StereoMorph_ldk1 |
Import a tps file | import_tps tps2coo |
Import coordinates from a .txt file | import_txt |
Graphical inspection of shapes | inspect |
Class and component testers | is is_Coe is_Coo is_fac is_LDA is_Ldk is_ldk is_LdkCoe is_links is_Opn is_OpnCoe is_Out is_OutCoe is_PCA is_shp is_slidings is_TraCoe |
Tests if coordinates likely have equally spaced radii | is_equallyspacedradii |
grindr layers for multivariate plots | layers layer_axes layer_axesnames layer_axesvar layer_box layer_chull layer_chullfilled layer_delaunay layer_density layer_density_2 layer_eigen layer_ellipses layer_ellipsesaxes layer_ellipsesfilled layer_frame layer_fullframe layer_grid layer_histogram_2 layer_labelgroups layer_labelpoints layer_legend layer_points layer_rug layer_stars layer_ticks layer_title |
Morphospace layers | layers_morphospace layer_morphospace_LDA layer_morphospace_PCA |
Linear Discriminant Analysis on Coe objects | LDA LDA.default LDA.PCA |
Builds an Ldk object | Ldk LdkCoe |
Checks 'ldk' shapes | ldk_check |
Draws convex hulls around landmark positions | ldk_chull |
Draws confidence ellipses for landmark positions | ldk_confell |
Draws kernel density contours around landmark | ldk_contour |
Add landmarks labels | ldk_labels |
Draws links between landmarks | ldk_links |
bind_db.Coe <- bind_db.Coo Extracts structure from filenames | lf_structure |
Creates links (all pairwise combinations) between landmarks | links_all |
Creates links (Delaunay triangulation) between landmarks | links_delaunay |
Multivariate analysis of (co)variance on Coe objects | MANOVA MANOVA.OpnCoe MANOVA.OutCoe MANOVA.PCA |
Pairwise Multivariate analyses of variance | MANOVA_PW MANOVA_PW.PCA |
(Metric) multidimensional scaling | MDS |
Measures shape descriptors | measure |
Data: Outline coordinates of 360 molars | molars |
Momocs | Momocs |
Calculates nice positions on a plane for drawing shapes | morphospace_positions |
Plots mosaics of shapes. | mosaic mosaic.Ldk mosaic.Opn mosaic.Out mosaic_engine |
Data: Outline coordinates of mosquito wings. | mosquito |
Data: Outline coordinates of mouse molars | mouse |
Mean shape calculation for Coo, Coe, etc. | MSHAPES |
Add new variables | mutate |
Non metric multidimensional scaling | NMDS |
Calculate natural polynomial fits on open outlines | npoly npoly.default npoly.list npoly.Opn |
Data: Outline coordinates of North Sea fishes | nsfishes |
Data: Configuration of landmarks of oak leaves | oak |
Data: Outline coordinates of olive seeds open outlines. | olea |
Builds an Opn object | Opn |
Builds an OpnCoe object | OpnCoe |
Calculate orthogonal polynomial fits on open outlines | opoly opoly.default opoly.list opoly.Opn |
Calculates shape from a polynomial model | npoly_i opoly_i |
Builds an Out object | Out |
Builds an OutCoe object | OutCoe |
Color palettes | pal palette palettes pal_alpha pal_div pal_div_BrBG pal_div_PiYG pal_div_PRGn pal_div_PuOr pal_div_RdBu pal_div_RdYlBu pal_manual pal_qual pal_qual_Dark2 pal_qual_Paired pal_qual_Set2 pal_qual_solarized pal_seq pal_seq_Blues pal_seq_BuGn pal_seq_BuPu pal_seq_GnBu pal_seq_Greens pal_seq_grey pal_seq_Greys pal_seq_inferno pal_seq_magma pal_seq_Oranges pal_seq_OrRd pal_seq_plasma pal_seq_PuBu pal_seq_PuBuGn pal_seq_PuRd pal_seq_Purples pal_seq_RdPu pal_seq_Reds pal_seq_viridis pal_seq_YlGn pal_seq_YlGnBu pal_seq_YlOrBr pal_seq_YlOrRd |
Family picture of shapes | panel panel.Coo panel.Ldk panel.Opn panel.Out |
grindr papers for shape plots | paper papers paper_chess paper_dots paper_grid paper_white |
Principal component analysis on Coe objects | as_PCA PCA PCA.default PCA.LdkCoe PCA.OpnCoe PCA.OutCoe PCA.TraCoe |
Shape variation along PC axes | PCcontrib PCcontrib.PCA |
Permutes and breed Coe (and others) objects | perm perm.Coe perm.default |
Graphical pile of shapes | pile pile.array pile.default pile.Ldk pile.list pile.Opn pile.Out |
Convert (x; y) coordinates to chaincoded coordinates | chc2pix pix2chc |
Plots a cross-validation table as an heatmap | plot_CV plot_CV.default plot_CV.LDA |
Plots a cross-correlation table | plot_CV2 plot_CV2.LDA plot_CV2.table |
Draws colored segments from a matrix of coordinates. | plot_devsegments |
LDA plot using grindr layers | plot_LDA |
Pairwise comparison of a list of shapes | plot_MSHAPES |
NMDS plot unsing grindr layers | plot_MDS plot_NMDS |
PCA plot using grindr layers | plot_PCA |
Silhouette plot | plot_silhouette |
Plots confusion matrix of sample sizes within $fac | plot_table |
Plots Linear Discriminant Analysis | plot.LDA |
Plots Principal Component Analysis | plot.PCA |
Partial Procrustes alignment between two shapes | pProcrustes |
Ptolemaic ellipses and illustration of efourier | Ptolemy |
Rearrange, (select and reorder) landmarks to retain | rearrange_ldk |
"Redo" a LDA on new data | reLDA reLDA.Coe reLDA.default reLDA.PCA |
Rename columns by name | rename |
"Redo" a PCA on a new Coe | rePCA |
Rescale coordinates from pixels to real length units | rescale |
Radii variation Fourier transform (equally spaced radii) | rfourier rfourier.default rfourier.list rfourier.Out |
Inverse radii variation Fourier transform | rfourier_i |
Calculates and draw 'rfourier' shapes. | rfourier_shape |
Removes asymmetric and symmetric variation on OutCoe objects | rm_asym rm_asym.default rm_asym.OutCoe rm_sym rm_sym.default rm_sym.OutCoe |
Removes harmonics from Coe objects | rm_harm |
Remove shapes with missing data in fac | rm_missing |
Remove shapes with incomplete slices | rm_uncomplete |
Renames levels on Momocs objects | rw_fac |
Sample a fraction of shapes | sample_frac |
Sample n shapes | sample_n |
How many axes to retain this much of variance or trace ? | scree scree.LDA scree.PCA scree_min scree_plot |
Select columns by name | select |
Radii variation Fourier transform (equally spaced curvilinear abscissa) | sfourier sfourier.default sfourier.list sfourier.Out |
Inverse radii variation Fourier transform | sfourier_i |
Calculates and draw 'sfourier' shapes. | sfourier_shape |
Data: Outline coordinates of various shapes | shapes |
Subset based on positions | slice |
Extracts partitions of sliding coordinates | slidings_scheme |
Family picture of shapes | stack stack.Coo stack.Ldk |
Subsetize various Momocs objects | subsetize |
Calcuates symmetry indices on OutCoe objects | symmetry |
Tangent angle Fourier transform | tfourier tfourier.default tfourier.list tfourier.Out |
Inverse tangent angle Fourier transform | tfourier_i |
Calculates and draws 'tfourier' shapes. | tfourier_shape |
Binds .jpg outlines from .txt landmarks taken on them | tie_jpg_txt |
Deformation 'vector field' using Thin Plate Splines | tps_arr |
Deformation grids using Thin Plate Splines | tps_grid |
Deformation isolines using Thin Plate Splines. | tps_iso |
Vanilla Thin Plate Splines | tps_raw |
Thin Plate Splines for 2D data | tps2d tps_apply |
Traditional morphometrics class | TraCoe |
Data: Outline coordinates of cephalic outlines of trilobite | trilo |
Validates Coo objects | verify |
Identify outliers | which_out |
Data: Landmarks coordinates of mosquito wings | wings |